Three Way: A Trilogy of Vintage Erotica

"It's rarely a bad idea to show some sex films. I mean...really. This is a small series and is intended, certainly, to entertain. But it's also intended to investigate both the fantasies and realities of sexual representation — that uncomfortable space where we so often find a huge gap. When you place a slick, erotic daydream like Camille 2000 against the gritty reality of A Labor of Love, the difference becomes all the more stark. And then there's The Wild Pussycat, a masterpiece of what-the-fuck-is-this-ism. It combines erotic scenes with some pretty rough sadism — but somehow becomes an intense, unintentional black comedy instead of a just another crappy 60s sexploitation picture. Combined, I hope the three films illustrate some of the perils and positives of depicting sex, and raise questions about how, or if, anything has ultimately changed. Stay tuned for 'Three-Way Redux: A Trilogy of Contemporary Erotica,' coming soon." — Joel Shepard, Film & Video Curator, Three Way: A Trilogy of Vintage Erotica is showing the weekend at the Yerba Buena Center in San Francisco.


Beginning March 31, the Museum of Sex will showcase select works from two contemporary artists along with historical items related to the art and performance of burlesque. The exhibit, entitled The Nudie Artist: Burlesque Revived, will feature select artifacts from the 1880s to the 1950s, modern works of art from burlesque photographer Leland Bobbé and artist Luma Rouge and footage from Behind the Burly Q, a film by Leslie Zemeckis. The Nudie Artist: Burlesque Revived allows visitors to peek inside the world of burlesque and see the performance art from a personal angle. Inspiring artwork, personal photos and rare footage of the time, as well as costuming will be on display to provide a glimpse into the past life of an art form that is resurging in today’s modern world.

Stolen Youth: In Memory of Maria Shneider

Maria Shneider
Maria Shneider with Pistol
Maria Shneider

Maria Shneider, who was paid $4,000 dollars to star opposite Marlon Brandon in Bertolucci's Last Tango in Paris, has died at the age of 58; she will be buried in Père Lachaise Cemetery in Paris.

Mags of Yore: Escapade Magazine

Escapade Magazine

Escape magazine, featuring beautiful kitsch photography of voluptuous women, never reached the iconic status associated with Playboy, but in it's own right held an integral role in the annals of naughty magazines.  With articles and essays written by William S. Burroughs  and Jack Kerouac Escapade magazine is a good vintage publication to collect.  Find vintage copies of Escapade Magazine here.